Brief Career C.V.
2007 - Present Founder and managing director, CosyHomesOnline & BubsyDogDIY
Key facts: Worldwide membership of 80,000; commended and recommended by Scottish Heritage; website sponsors include Screwfix and Black and Decker.
1992 - 2007 Founder and director, Able Training International
Key Facts: International blue chip client base; mentored senior executives from major financial institutions; key role in formation and launch of the NVQ in Financial Services; designed a training portfolio geared to the markets of Eastern Europe.
1985 - 1992 Training Director, American International Group (AIG) Life
Key Facts: Created the PFP sales system (adopted world-wide and formed the cornerstone of all agent development programmes); implemented training strategies throughout the 60 territories; controlled multi-million pound budgets; mentor for training managers.
Additional Career Facts
- One of the first female managers in the financial sector
- Attained Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development
- Gained an MA in Human Resources Strategy and a doctorate in Business Psychology whilst running ATI
- Lifetime Achievement Award 2007
- Lifetime Member of the Institute of Directors
- Invited to write a book aimed at SMEs to share lifetime experiences of building and maintaining a successful SME
- Keynote speeches: From Passion to Profit, Zero to a Million, Size Matters!, Dare to be Different